Find your WHY (then run away with it)

There is a reason you will never really see me posting too pictures of myself (my body) on the internet.

I don’t exercise to look good.

I don’t lift weights, or do push ups and pull ups all day out of some sense of insecurity.

I don’t need anyone to comment on my arms, my chest, my legs, or my abs to validate my existence.

I don’t chase numbers.

I don’t do this because it makes me money

I don’t do this to try to impress, or intimidate anyone.

You’ll never really even see me trying to be seen.

I don’t do this to feed my ego.

Not to say these things are wrong, because they are not. That’s just not true

But I do this because it keeps me grounded.

Forces me to be disciplined.

To breathe deep,

Slow down,

Be in the present moment,

Not concern myself with what happened yesterday, or what will happen tomorrow.

To acknowledge my fear, and do whatever I can in the moment to get rid of it.

It forces me remember all my pain.

Then brings about in me a child-like joy.

This is my meditation.

This is my path to mastery.

I genuinely hope you find yours.


-Akuda Esin

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